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Monday, February 11, 2008

FAQ Beyond Limits

Q. Why do many masks look scary?
A. Most masks do not mean to scare.
The mask's facial features are often emboldened (exaggerated) to represent bold ideas - ideas that can take your mind beyond the world you know. The Mask as Storyteller transports you to that otherworld of imaginary creatures, gods/goddesses, spirits, visions and dreams, or the funster world of 'political satire' (poking fun at serious issues).
Most importantly, those often misunderstood emboldened characteristics are really about making visible the hidden potentials that are within everyone. Making, wearing and sharing masks gives the opportunity to be bigger, braver & bolder than you usually are. See Making Sense of the Funusual on MASKS2GLOBE weblog.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

FAQ Kids at Heart

Q. Do you have any mask ideas for Valentines Day?
A. Try our Sweetheart Mice Masks in junior class...

You will need:
Multimasks, one for each child
Strong scissors and small curved tip scissors, pencil
White gesso or paint
Pink paint (for sniffy nose detail)
Florists wire for whiskers (available from Spotlight)
Lippy sticker (can be purchased from Spotlight or make your own from felt)
Assorted cupcake patty pans
Glue gun and Ribbon to match

Making Method:
Cut out a heart shape from a flat sheet of paper, sized to fit neatly inside a Multimask. Draw around the heart shape as best you can (centre it first) then cut it out. Now you have a heart-shaped template. Pop the template on top of each student's Multimask and draw around it, then cut it out. Cut out a small 'mouse-ish' eye template from scrap paper and draw around it on the heart mask. Open eyes using curved tip scissors. Now you are ready to paint your heart mask with 2 layers of white paint. Dry, then embellish. Paint nose first then make two pin-pricks either side and thread wire 'whiskers' through from the back. Bend wire into whimsical kinks (a dab of glue on the back secures them). Stick on lippy detail and cupcake 'ears'. Make two holes on each side at eye level and thread ribbon ties. Add eyelash details in gold pen, and your Sweetheart Mouse mask is ready to go...